We handle all steps of mechanised and hand processed mail from supply of paper and envelopes through to lodgement with Australia Post at discount rates;
- Addressing by inkjet directly onto envelopes or postcards
- Barcoding with latest software for postage discounts
- Bulk postage for over 300 units at reduced Australia Post rates
- Colour printing variable digital colour in-house, and offset
- Data merging of most formats for personalised letters and forms
- Digital printing high resolution high speed personalisation
- Envelope supply and printing including recycled stocks
- Folding high speed machine folding plus hand folding
- Inkjet printing at high speed for envelopes and flysheets
- Hand inserting for material that cannot be machine inserted
- Mail processing from supply of paper through to lodgement
- Plastic wrapping as an alternative to paper envelopes
- Printing personalised letters in hi-resolution including graphics, and more...